If an emergency occurs after office hours, please call our office number at (518) 274-0476. Our exchange will answer and a message will be sent to one of our providers. It is very important to give accurate information, as this is the information that will be given to the provider on-call.

If a provider doesn’t return your call, please call the exchange alerting them of this and then go to the hospital. If you are in labor or having a bleeding problem, go straight to St. Peter’s Hospital Labor and Delivery floor. The nursing staff will be able to help you and find the provider to care for you.

Situations that may warrant your needing emergency care include:

  • In early pregnancy, if you experience bleeding or cramping, passing of tissue, severe pain, or passing out, go to the emergency room.
  • In late pregnancy, heavy bleeding, contractions which are painful and getting closer together (less than ten minutes apart in a woman who has had a previous child or less than five minutes apart in a woman having her first child), severe uterine pain, or leaking a fluid.

If you have any questions regarding your care, please do not hesitate to contact our office.

Emergency Room

You may have issues arise that warrant a trip to the emergency room or the delivery room. Most problems can and should be addressed during office hours. Our nursing staff is available from 9:00AM to 5:00PM Monday through Friday to answer your questions. If your questions are not of an emergent nature, please make these calls during office hours. The nurse will answer your questions or refer them to a physician when it’s appropriate.